
Project Partners

Levee Ready Columbia is a partnership of over twenty public, private, and community organizations. The partners listed below make up the main decision-making body of Levee Ready Columbia, what we call our “Project Team.” Many other organizations and individuals participate in our efforts by attending our meetings, participating in subcommittees, engaging their neighbors and civic groups in sharing feedback, and more. Please visit the Get Involved section to find out more about how to engage or get in touch at any time.

[pofo_section_heading pofo_heading_type=”heading-style2″ heading_preview_image=”heading-style2″ pofo_text_transform=”text-uppercase” pofo_title_font_weight=”500″ pofo_title_element_tag=”h4″ pofo_heading=”Oregon Solutions Team” pofo_title_color=”#d26249″ class=”center”]
[pofo_feature_box pofo_feature_type=”featurebox21″ feature_box_preview_image=”featurebox21″ pofo_feature_title=”Jules Bailey” css=”.vc_custom_1557328481821{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;}” pofo_title_font_size=”20px” pofo_title_line_height=”24px” pofo_title_color=”#d26249″]Oregon Solutions Convener

Under the Oregon Solutions process, a convener is appointed by the Governor of Oregon to serve as the neutral chair of the project team. Jules has served in this role since 2015, when he served as a member of the Multnomah County Commission. Before being elected to serve on the Multnomah County Commission, Jules worked as an economist and served three terms in the state legislature from 2000-2009. As a legislator, Jules earned honors as a champion for environmental issues. Today, Jules is the Chief Stewardship Officer of the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative. In addition to the leadership he provides LRC, he also serves on the board of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV).[/pofo_feature_box]

[pofo_feature_box pofo_feature_type=”featurebox21″ feature_box_preview_image=”featurebox21″ pofo_feature_title=”Stephanie Hallock” css=”.vc_custom_1557329241065{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;}” pofo_title_font_size=”20px” pofo_title_line_height=”24px” pofo_title_color=”#d26249″]Oregon Solutions Facilitator

Once a project convener has been appointed by the Governor, Oregon Solutions selects a staff member to manage the project and facilitate project team meetings. Stephanie Hallock plays this role for Levee Ready Columbia. Stephanie began her career at the US Environmental Protection Agency. Later, she served as water quality policy advisor to Governor Kitzhaber and headed the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s solid waste program before being appointed to serve as the director of the state agency in 2000. Stephanie retired from DEQ in 2008. In addition to her role with LRC, Stephanie also serves on the Oregon Agriculture Board, which advises and develops recommendations for the Oregon Department of Agriculture.[/pofo_feature_box]

[pofo_section_heading pofo_heading_type=”heading-style2″ heading_preview_image=”heading-style2″ pofo_text_transform=”text-uppercase” pofo_title_font_weight=”500″ pofo_title_element_tag=”h4″ pofo_heading=”FIND OUT MORE:” pofo_title_color=”#d26249″ class=”center”]
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Where there are structural problems with the levees

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The best pathway to receive federal support

USACE Feasibility Study


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How we’re going to make sure we don’t face the same problems in the future

Reforms That Are Needed
